TAKE ACTION NOW: Call Wendy’s executive as hundreds march down NYC!


Today July 19, Immokalee farmworker women, men, and their families have returned to Manhattan for a major march to the offices of Wendy's Board Chair Nelson Peltz to demand that the final fast-food holdout make an unequivocal commitment to human rights, once and for all! 

We ask allies unable to make the trek to New York to take to their phones to pressure Mr. Peltz by participating in a National Call-In Day today. 

In June, bowing to the pressure generated by the farmworkers’ campaign — including the five-day Freedom Fast and a petition that collected well over 100,000 consumer signatures in support of their demands — Wendy’s came half-way home.  In a major announcement  at its annual shareholder meeting in Ohio, Wendy’s declared its intention to repatriate its tomato purchases from Mexico.  It did not, however, agree to join the Fair Food Program. Instead, Wendy’s plans to shift its purchases to greenhouses in the US and Canada and continue to rely on non-FFP farms and a discredited model of superficial third-party auditing to monitor its supply chain. This is unacceptable. 

Neither farmworkers nor consumers will settle for anything less than the worker-driven Fair Food Program and its verifiable guarantee of fundamental human rights for the women and men who harvest our produce.

Read more on the upcoming action on the CIW's site.

Here’s how to call in:

1. Call Trian Partners in New York, New York at (212) 451-3000.

2. Ask if you can leave a message for Mr. Nelson Peltz, Trian Partners CEO and Wendy's Board Chair regarding Wendy's tomato purchasing policies. 

3. You'll likely be directed to Mr. Peltz's assistant.  Once you get someone on the line, give your statement. Feel free to offer your own personal comments, or use the script provided.

4. Let us know how it went using the form below!

sample Script: 

“Hi, my name is _______ and I’m calling to leave a message for Mr. Nelson Peltz in support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Today hundreds of farmworkers and allies will marching through the streets of New York City calling on Wendy’s to join the Fair Food Program. They are demanding that Mr. Peltz Wendy's leadership do their part to end human rights abuses in Wendy's supply chain. It is imperative that Wendy's use its purchasing power to support the CIW's Fair Food Program and its groundbreaking human rights protections rather than simply shifting to purchasing tomatoes from greenhouses in North America.  I urge Mr. Peltz to bring Wendy's into the Program immediately.

Thank you for relaying this message.”

Let us know how it went!