National Day of Fasting and Witness

January 18, 2018

On January 18, 2018, faith leaders allied with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers will fast and demonstrate outside of Wendy's restaurants across the country in solidarity with farmworkers' struggle for dignity, respect, and basic human rights in the fields.

The national action will commemorate the historic conclusion of six farmworkers' 30-day hunger strike, which took place in Immokalee twenty years ago that day. Though incredible progress has been made since 1998 though the CIW's Presidential Medal-winning Fair Food Program, farmworkers' prophetic call for justice in the agricultural industry continues. On January 18, we will call upon the leadership of Wendy's to join their peers, listen to their consumers, and finally sit at the table with their workers by joining the Fair Food Program.

How do I participate?

Participants in this national action are called to fast throughout the day on January 18, and to bear witness to the injustice of Wendy's refusal to join the Fair Food Program. Participants are asked to choose a local Wendy's restaurant and organize a public component to their fast: a flyering event, a demonstration, a pray-in, a vigil, or some other form of protest. 

First, sign up to participate by filling out this form.

Next, check out the Resource Guide we've prepared to help you plan your participation in this national mobilization. In this guide, you'll find:

  • A primer on fasting
  • Ideas and tips on how to organize a public action
  • Action materials, including a printable Boycott Wendy's flyer, a chant sheet, a letter for Wendy's management, and an adaptable press release
  • Spiritual resources, including reflections and prayers from the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions

Finally, take a look at the map below to see who is signed up in your area already! Write to and we'll put you in touch. 

Who's signed up so far?

In the news...

Fast announcement  11/8/2017: BREAKING: National faith leaders announce major Wendy’s Boycott fast and action for January 18, 2018, on the 20th anniversary of farmworkers’ 30-day hunger strike! (CIW website)