Take a Wendy's #selfie

This Wendy's Valentine's Weekend of Action, Wendy's is hearing from its customers, and the verdict is in: they're not blinded by Wendy's flashy new image and no one's buying the misleading PR statements that Wendy's continues to put out to paper over a real, verifiable commitment to human rights. From coast to coast, the Valentine's messages to Wendy's are pouring in, letting Wendy's know that until they join their fast-food competitors in the Fair Food Program, we're "breaking up with Wendy's!"

How to submit your selfie:

  Write a Valentine's Day-themed message to Wendy's about joining the Fair Food Program and respecting farmworkers' rights

Take a selfie or a group photo with your message

Share your photo on social media, hashtag #FairFoodNation

Email your photo to organize@allianceforfairfood.org with your name and/or Twitter handle

Post it on the V-Day Action Facebook Event and we'll add it to this page!