Photo Report: CIW & United Methodist Women leaders from all over the country convene outside of Wendy’s Headquarters!

The delegation of United Methodist Women, local Columbus area faith leaders and students outside of the Wendy’s HQ.

The delegation of United Methodist Women, local Columbus area faith leaders and students outside of the Wendy’s HQ.

From the months of September and October the United Methodist Women joined the National Farm Worker Ministry and the CIW to call on Wendy’s to join the Fair Food Program. Throughout the past months, they collected signed postcards to petition that Wendy’s join the program.

Leaders began the day by convening at St. Stephens Episcopal Church, a congregation that has been longtime supporters of the CIW. United Methodist Women leaders from Florida, Ohio, New York and other local Ohio faith leaders connected with Lupe Gonzalo from the CIW and had the opportunity to learn and ask questions about the expansion of the Fair Food Program and the latest updates in the Wendy’s campaign, including Wendy’s move to purchase from greenhouses in the US and Canada. In addition, the United Methodist Women delegation shared information about their Living Wage for All campaign, an action initiative aimed at ending economic inequality, and how that drives their work with CIW for a living wage and dignity for farmworkers. Students from OSU also joined the group for breakfast to talk more about the history of the Wendy’s campaign on campus and what they see as next steps moving forward.


To kick-off this eventful day, the powerful group led a public prayer outside the Ohio State University while the Board of Trustees, President Drake included, were meeting to discuss OSU academic and student affairs. Students at OSU have been demanding a dialogue with President Drake for over four years to no avail. In order to make sure our presence was felt and our demands heard, students and allies went inside the trustee’s meeting, passing out flyers and postcards.

Later in the afternoon, the group drove to Wendy’s corporate headquarters in nearby Dublin for a lively picket and public witness to symbolically deliver the message of the 5,000 postcards sent by United Methodist Women across the country. The delegation was made up of strong women leaders from all over the country and included: Jeanne Long, President of United Methodist Women in the West Ohio Conference; Kathy Kuhn, President of United Methodist Women of the East Ohio Conference; Judith McRae, President of United Methodist Women of the New York Conference; Rosemary Uebel, United Methodist Women member of the Florida Conference; Carol Barton, Executive for Community Action, United Methodist Women National; a Representative of Church & Society of the East Ohio Conference, United Methodist Church representing Bishop Tracy Malone; Sister Karen Bernhardt, Congregation of the Humility of Mary and National Farm Worker Ministry board member; Katherine Dickson, Director of Vocational Discernment &; Community Engagement Methodist Theological School in Ohio; Kris LoFrumento, Director of Student Services, Methodist Theological School in Ohio; and Lupe Gonzalo from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. Although the leaders of faith wanted to deliver a letter to Wendy’s, the fast food giant did not allow them inside. In their letter, the United Methodist Women wrote “Through partnership, we work to support the rights of those who pick our food. This summer, thousands of United Methodist Women members participated in a mission study on Faith and Money. In that context, we explored how our faith calls us to advocate for a living wage for all and for dignified working conditions. Our faith commitment compels us to seek decent work and abundant life for all of God’s children.” Despite the snow and freezing rain, the group picketed outside of the headquarters chanting, singing, and together in prayer, calling on Wendy’s to sign the Fair Food Program and protect farmworker human rights. While holding this rally, members of the delegation shared words of solidarity Carol Barton, United Methodist Women Executive for Community Action Economic Inequality Priority, shared the following words:

“We want dignity for workers in the fields, we want freedom from sexual violence, we want a raise in wages for workers, and so today 5,000 postcards are arriving at the CEO’s office from United Methodist Women.”

Since Wendy’s did not allow us to deliver the letter and given that at this same moment they were receiving over 5,000 postcards in the mail we ceremounisly signed a magnified version of the postcard. After everyone signed their name, Lupe Gonzalo from the CIW shared her final words of the evening. “All of us who are here, are looking for change. We will achieve this change by uniting, the change will be achieved shoulder to shoulder, not I as a farmworker not all of you as faith leaders, but together in this struggle for a better world.” She continued to share our persistance in being outside in the freezing rain and how farmworkers too face harsh working conditions. She closed the day by speaking to how we will unfreeze Wendy’s stonecold heart.

“We will unfreeze it because we can. Because we are strong women and we as women will always look for what is best for everyone. Not just for what is best for us, but for women that still face sexual assault. One day, they too will have these protections and we will feel proud have created this change.”

ACTION ALERT! 'Tis the season to boycott Wendy’s!


This December, join the Fair Food Nation in spreading holiday cheer by sending a card to Wendy’s CEO Todd Penegor demanding a commitment to the Fair Food Program…

As Wendy’s leaders get ready to wind down and celebrate this holiday season, the tens of thousands of people who harvest the company’s produce will continue working without the unprecedented protections of the Presidential Medal-winning Fair Food Program. Until farmworkers in Wendy’s supply chain are guaranteed fair wages, justice and dignity in the fields, we will be here.

And we’re putting our commitment in writing! This month, the Fair Food Nation is making the call for a mass mail-out of holiday cards to Wendy’s CEO Todd Penegor. Join us in reminding the company’s top executive of the burgeoning national boycott that is tarnishing the Wendy’s brand and reputation.

This holiday season, organize a festive #BoycottWendys card-making party with your Fair Food group, congregation, Student/Farmworker Alliance chapter, friends and family! The more the merrier as we come together to send Wendy’s CEO a powerful and unified message: Until you guarantee farmworkers’ human rights in your company’s supply chain, we will continue to boycott your restaurants!

Make sure to craft your holiday card to Mr. Penegor with a Wendy’s Boycott surprise and double the impact by uploading your card to social media using #BoycottWendys and posting to this Facebook event. Don’t forget to tag @Wendys!

Then, seal the deal by mailing your card over to the Wendy’s Headquarters in Ohio:

Mr. Todd A. Penegor

The Wendy’s Company, Inc.

One Dave Thomas Boulevard

Dublin, OH 43017

Looking for creative ideas? Check out some fun templates and examples below!

Happy Holidays from Florida!

PHOTO REPORT: Farmworkers, students and religious allies rally for farmworker justice in Sarasota, Philadelphia, and Miami!

November saw various lively actions across several states — including an action at the Wendy’s Headquarters in Dublin, Ohio — to pressure the corporation to expand award-winning human rights protections under the Fair Food Program to farmworkers in its supply chain. See below for the full report!

Sarasota, FL

A day after members of the Sarasota Friends Meeting (Quakers) visited Immokalee to learn more about the Fair Food Program, they teamed up with farmworkers and New College of Florida (NCF) students for a spirited action in their hometown! On Sunday, November 11, farmworkers, NCF Students Targeting Oppressive Powers, Quakers, Tampa Bay International Workers of the World and Sarasota community members protested at a Wendy’s on busy S. Tamiami Trail. Spreading the word to passersby, including workers from the hospital across the street and countless cars that zipped past, the Sarasota community reminded Wendy’s that they can’t continue avoiding their responsibility to farmworkers— it’s just a matter of time. Representatives from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), NCF, and the Sarasota Quakers grounded those present in the power of their action: creating a world where sexual harassment and assault is non-existent by expanding worker-driven social responsibility programs like the Fair Food Program!

Philadelphia, PA

Smiling through the November Philly snow, allies from Reconstructing Judaism joined the CIW in marching to a local Wendy’s, where they quickly worked through the stacks of flyers they’d brought along to inform people of the fight for farmworker rights. The march started at the “Rooted and Relevant: Reconstructing Judaism in 2018,” convention, which had nearly 800 people in attendance, including representatives of the CIW and Alliance for Fair Food (AFF) who had been invited by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights and Rabbi Barbara Penzer of Temple Hillel B’nai Torah.

Reconstructing Judaism trains the next generation of Reconstructionist rabbis, supports and uplifts congregations and fellowship circles, fosters emerging expressions of Jewish life, and encourages people to be their best selves. Reconstructionists approach Judaism — and life — with deep consideration of the past and a passion to relate it to the present. In this context, the CIW and AFF had the opportunity to highlight many Jewish allies’ deep commitment to the human rights work of the CIW through lectures in rabbinical schools, the annual visit of #TomatoRabbis to Immokalee, Boycott petition signatures and nationwide protests, such as the snowy Philadelphia march!

Miami, FL

On November 17, over 100 students from Barry University and St. Thomas University came out for a student-organized march with the CIW from a local park to the Wendy’s on 167th Avenue. After returning from the mile-long march and picket, the crowd heard from fellow students as well as Nely Rodriguez from the CIW.

Nely’s powerful message is shared below in full:

For us, this isn’t new. Wendy’s has always had an attitude of avoidance of its social responsibility to not only its consumers, but to us as workers, and to all students and people who eat from its stores.

It is important for us as workers to share with you students what is happening. Exploitation, rape, sexual harassment of women, forced labor, and low wages have all existed for countless generations within the agricultural industry. This is something that many outside the agricultural industry don’t know. It’s so beautiful that you all are accompanying us today as you also take up the responsibility to refuse to be manipulated by corporations.

For many of you, you have ancestors who have been affected by this type of power held by all types of corporations in various industries. This is not only happening in the agricultural industry but in many other industries: garment, construction, cleaning, food service, for example. We are living this exploitation. You all have the opportunity to support and be that voice we have been lacking. That is your responsibility. It’s great that you all have the chance to see the attitude of these corporations and how they run from responsibility.

The Fair Food Program is a tremendous opportunity for Wendy’s, who has bought large quantities of tomatoes from the agricultural industry for many years. The Fair Food Program is a relief for farmworkers. Wendy’s does not want to join this Program, not because they simply don’t want to accept. Wendy’s doesn’t want to join because it doesn’t want to let go of its ego. As a corporation, it doesn’t want to accept that we as farmworkers have a solution. That is what caused them to flee, to buy from farms where workers live under conditions that were happening in the U.S. a hundred years ago, but that are happening today in Mexico. That is where Wendy’s went to purchase.

We have put a lot of pressure on Wendy’s. As a result, and thanks to many people in different states and countries who have been supporting the Fair Food Program, we have succeeded in getting Wendy’s to agree to stop buying from Mexico and to return to purchasing from the United States and Canada. But this is not what we asked for. They announced that they would purchase from greenhouses, where we know that conditions for farmworkers can be equal to those on any farm outside the Fair Food Program.

What we are asking is: that Wendy’s stop abandoning human rights protections for farmworkers, that they don’t tolerate sexual harassment of women, and that we all move forward with this new day for farmworkers under the Fair Food Program. That’s what we’re also asking from you: today, you all came to support us, and we ask that when you return to your universities and schools, you bring this experience with you to your classmates. We know that while we’re here right now, many by tomorrow may forget what we did today. That’s why we’re here asking you that you keep supporting. They didn’t accept our letter— that doesn’t mean anything to us. What we want is for you all to see the position Wendy’s is taking, and that you see their rejection as a push for you all to keep supporting the expansion of the Fair Food Program.

¡Sí, se puede! ¡Sí, se puede! ¡Sí, se puede!

Students stated in full confidence, “We know its not a question of if but when Wendy’s will join the Fair Food Program, so Wendy’s, we will be back!”

Growing the Light: Advent Reflections on Farmworker Justice: Week 1

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This Advent, join unwavering allies of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Rev. Brian McLaren, Rev. Traci Blackmon, Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis, and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis in preparing to grow the light of farmworker justice throughout the new year. The season of Advent draws us into a time of anticipation and preparation with all who long for release from oppression. Through the Fair Food Program (FFP), the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, together with student and faith allies, kindles the flame of justice for farmworkers in the tomato fields of Immokalee and now on farms across seven states.

The New Generation of Humanity by Brian McLaren

Rev. Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, public theologian and longtime supporter of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)

Rev. Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, public theologian and longtime supporter of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)

Luke 21:25-36

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.

“Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.  For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”

Signs of the times … Jesus’ words about a coming time of tribulation have been used by any number of prognosticators to warn people to “repent, for the end is near.” The message they have typically given is to give up on this world and prepare to be “beamed up” to heaven.

But these prognosticators miss the point for at least two reasons.

First, more and more biblical scholars agree that the end Jesus was warning his fellow citizens about was not a distant end of the universe, but an immanent “end of the world as they knew it,” a world centered in religious institutions and political compromise with oppressors.

Jesus saw the tide of anger, fear, and desperation growing among his contemporaries, and he knew where that would lead: to outbreaks of violence. That’s exactly what happened just over 30 years later when his nation rebelled against the Roman occupiers and then, after three years, were brutally crushed. Those who lived by the sword of violent revolution ended up dying by the sword of violent domination.

Second, the point of Jesus’ warnings was not to increase people’s anger, fear, and desperation, but rather, to give them hope, wakefulness, and resilience. The worse things get, he was saying, the closer they are to changing, because “the Son of Man” will come “with power and great glory.”

But what does that pregnant phrase “son of man” mean? The term “son of” means “new generation of,” and “man” means “humanity.” So here, I think, is the promise: As things get worse and worse, as anguish and turbulence intensify, as terror and instability shake the status quo, at that very moment look for signs of the emergence of a new humanity.

The term, rooted in the visionary poetry of Daniel 7, describes an individual, but ultimately refers to a community (“the saints of the most high”).

To apply these words to our contemporary context, we could say this: as racists increase their virulence, a new generation of humanity is emerging, humanity that doesn’t fear difference but sees it as a sign of strength. As we witness a morally repulsive resurgence of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, we also witness a new generation of humanity that is building a movement of multi-faith solidarity. As resentful and frightened people use immigrants as a scapegoat, a new generation of humanity is emerging that cares about immigrants and works to protect them from further abuse. And as the wealthy and powerful hoard more wealth and power, a new generation of humanity is being activated to care for the poor and too-often forgotten, including farm workers, whose labor is so often devalued.

In fact, one of the best ways to identify "the new generation of humanity" is to see who is showing up for the excluded and exploited. That has been my experience with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Alliance for Fair Food. This amazing partnership between farmworkers and their allies always inspires me: here are people working together to build a better world for all. Whenever I am part of a public action with CIW - maybe marching in front of a Publix or Wendy's, urging them to join the Fair Food Program, we chant, "Down, down with exploitation. Up, up with the Fair Food Nation!" And that phrase - Fair Food Nation - suggests to me one important dimension of what a new generation of humanity will look like: people working together to make exploitation of farmworkers history and fair food the new norm.

This new generation of humanity, wherever it appears, is fragile. It is nonviolent, so it doesn’t use violent words or weapons and therefore isn’t taken seriously by those who only see violent force as significant. But like the infant in a manger, this small and vulnerable beginning shouldn’t be underestimated, because, in the words of an old saying, “Little is much when God is in it.”

During Advent, we dare to believe that this new generation of humanity, embodied in a tiny vulnerable baby, will not be defeated. We dare to believe that the worst of times can be a seedbed for the best of humanity, and that the poor and marginalized and their allies, armed only with a heart for justice, compassion, and truth, will continue to rise like dawn, even during dark times.

Prayer - Living God, as we ponder your presence and promise embodied in a poor woman and her vulnerable child, help us not to be overwhelmed by times of turbulence and terror, perplexity and apprehension. Help each of us to be a vital part of that new generation of humanity, a cell contributing to a larger body, a candle joining other candles to push back darkness.

An Advent Call to Action:

 Act in hope with the new generation of humanity: add your name to the Petition to Boycott Wendy’s, so Wendy’s decision-makers can see the number grow. Invite friends, family, co-workers, congregants to do the same!

About the Author:

Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is a passionate advocate for "a new kind of Christianity" - just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good. He is an Auburn Senior Fellow and a leader in the Convergence Network, and works closely with the Center for Progressive Renewal/Convergence, the Wild Goose Festival and the Fair Food Program's Faith Working Group. His most recent writing project is an illustrated children's book (for all ages) called Cory and the Seventh Story.