NEW VIDEO: “This fight has never been more real, more powerful or more urgent!”

Last Thursday, just as we rolled out an exciting new campaign to raise $25,000 to fuel the Wendy’s Boycott, a delegation of Ohio State University students rolled into Immokalee! After a jam-packed semester of intensive student organizing to remove Wendy’s from campus, members of Ohio State Student/Farmworker Alliance and Real Food OSU wrapped up the semester by visiting the birthplace of the Fair Food movement to deeply connect and build relationships with the farmworker community. 

Trip highlights included an in-depth strategy meeting with CIW members to escalate the students' campus-based Boot the Braids campaign before the extension of the Wendy’s lease expires on June 30 — and, to ground their efforts, an inside look at a worker-to-worker education session on a participating Fair Food Program farm. 

Ready for victory, the Buckeyes hit the road for Columbus on Saturday morning, but not before taking a moment to urge the Fair Food Nation to donate to the Wendy’s Boycott Fund! We’re just 11 days away from Wendy’s annual shareholder meeting, and hundreds upon hundreds will be taking action in the lead up to remind Wendy’s top executives that as long as real, verifiable human rights protections are not part of their recipe, we will no longer support their business! 

How much can you contribute to ensure a mounting wave of action in the upcoming months? 

As OSU student Emily urges in the video, we’re asking you to contribute what you can to help us raise the funds we need to keep strengthening our grassroots movement — and achieve a boycott victory soon! 

Donate to the Wendy’s Boycott Fund today!

In the struggle, 
The Immokalee Crew