Help us raise $25,000 to fuel the Wendy's Boycott!

In response to the tremendous momentum building day by day in the Wendy’s Boycott, we’re trying something we’ve never done before. The Alliance for Fair Food is launching a campaign to raise an ambitious $25,000 in the month of May to fuel escalating action in the upcoming months.

Hot on the heels of a sweeping 12-city, 14-day “Return to Human Rights Tour” this past March and a massive outpour of support from institutions and communities of faith for the rolling fasts at over a dozen university campuses from Florida to Michigan in April, the Fair Food Nation is on an unstoppable action streak in the struggle for farmworker justice. And it’s only to be continued with a formidable, larger-than-ever mobilization outside of Wendy’s upcoming shareholder meeting at the company’s Dublin, OH headquarters in just 19 days!

Action on this unprecedented scale — and our plans for the pressure to continue unabated throughout the summer and into the fall towards an inevitable victory in the boycott — will require the financial support of every member of our diverse network.

So we’re calling on you, the CIW’s network of dedicated allies, to help us kickstart the Wendy’s Boycott Fund. This May, let’s raise $25,000!

It’s a lofty goal, but so is bringing the world’s third-largest hamburger chain into the CIW’s Fair Food Program following an appalling shift of tomato purchases away from Florida to a Mexican industry rife with unchecked violence and exploitation. Yet, working alongside the CIW, we’ve played a critical role in winning 14 unimaginable victories and securing never-before-seen rights for tens of thousands of farmworkers, and counting.

And now, the expansion of these rights is at stake. In order to ensure that the shared vision for justice in the fields that farmworkers and their allies have fought for over the last 25 years continues to expand to reach more workers in more crops, we need to bring Wendy's to the table in 2017. Building pressure in the months ahead is imperative for a win in the Wendy’s Boycott — and if history is any indicator of what we're capable of together — we know that it’s not a matter of if we will win, but when.

Donate to the Wendy’s Boycott Fund today!