Watch CNN’s new Fair Food video series and donate to the Wendy’s Boycott Fund today!

Two days ago, as the office of Ohio State University President Drake received call after call from countless allies across the country outraged by the university’s decision to renew its contract with Wendy’s for three more years, the movement for Fair Food took the national spotlight! The CNN Freedom Project released a stunning video series, entitled "How America's 'ground-zero' for modern slavery was cleaned up by workers' group," highlighting the three broad and overlapping spheres of the CIW’s tremendous work: the Fair Food Program, the Campaign for Fair Food and the Anti-Slavery Campaign. 

The piece features farmworker testimony on the transformed, and truly dignified, conditions workers experience on Fair Food Program farms; details the market-backed consequences that allow for effective enforcement of farmworker-designed human rights standards; and packs a punch in exposing Wendy’s stubborn and shameful refusal to join all of its major competitors in “the most comprehensive social responsibility program in U.S. agriculture.” 

The videos speak for themselves: 

After enjoying the videos, make a donation to the Wendy’s Boycott Fund to help us bring the fast food holdout into the Fair Food Program! 

In the month of May, nearly 100 Fair Food supporters have pitched in to bring us over 20% of the way to reaching our $25,000 goal (including a successful two-day $1,000 matching challenge!). As hundreds of people of faith, students, and community allies across the country power the Wendy's Boycott, we're continuing to reach toward our fundraising mark and counting on you to help us ensure we have the resources to sustain and increase constant action in the upcoming months.