T’ruah rabbis to Wendy’s Board Chairman Nelson Peltz: “Each day that you turn your back on farmworkers, more and more rabbis will call on you to forswear exploitation …”

At last month's annual shareholder meeting, when a representative from T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights invited Wendy's executives to meet and discuss the realities of the Coalition of Immokalee Worker’s Fair Food Program, Board Chairman Nelson Peltz snidely answered this: “I have plenty of rabbis in my life.” 

For years, T’ruah has been organizing rabbis and their congregations to take action in support of farmworker justice, and so it is no surprise that the organization took this dismissive answer for marching orders. The stalwart group of tomato rabbis quickly organized a delegation to Mr. Peltz’s offices in New York City to make clear that their call to Mr. Peltz to act on “our shared Jewish commitments to liberation from slavery, fair wages, and dignified working conditions” will only increase until Wendy’s joins the Fair Food Program.

In a protest complete with the sounding of the shofar, the delivery of a powerful statement, and the hashtag #NotEnoughRabbis, those gathered called on Mr. Peltz to live the values of his faith and bring Wendy’s to the negotiating table with the CIW.  

Be sure to read the full report on the CIW’s website!

T’ruah’s powerful work is just one part of the incredibly diverse movement embodied in the Alliance for Fair Food — and together, we are going to win the Wendy’s Boycott and bring human rights protections to more and more farmworkers.  Will you donate to the Wendy’s Boycott Fund today to help carry this work forward in the months ahead?